Frequently Asked Questions

I receive many emails every day. While I do my best to respond to all of them, I would appreciate it if you could first check the frequently asked questions below, which may save both of us some time and emails.

Joining my research group

  1. Applying for an undergrad/master internship
  2. Applying for a PhD position in my group
  3. Applying for a postdoc position in my group

Students at École des Ponts or at MPRO

You are one of my (former) student following my lectures at École des Ponts / MPRO and

  1. have a question regarding one of my lectures / your grade
  2. need a recommendation letter
  3. need help/advice to find an internship in OR
  4. need help/advice to find a PhD in OR

Industry / Business / Startup

  1. Advices on your startup
  2. Advices/collaborating on a research project in your company
  3. Recruiting an intern from École des Ponts
  4. Sponsoring the KIRO, the OR hackathon of École des Ponts’ students